
Since we started 20 years ago, Cyclox has been led by a team of dedicated trustees, supported by volunteers.

Alison Hill


A former public-health doctor, Alison wove cycling into her professional life by bringing together research and data about the benefits of active travel on health and wellbeing. She was on the board of Cycling England for its duration and chaired  The Bikeability Trust until 2023. She was nominated as one of Cycling UK’s 100 women in cycling in 2019.

Kathryn McNicoll

Honorary Secretary/Trustee

Kathryn plays a key role in our community engagement and outreach activities, heading up Cyclox stalls and Dr Bike stands at events. She managed the Bikes for Key Workers scheme in 2020 and the allocation of donated bikes to refugees for the Sanctuary Wheels project in 2022. Kathryn has been volunteering with Cyclox since 2014 and was nominated as one of Cycling UK’s 100 women in cycling in 2022.

Ben Sawyer


Ben is an enthusiastic cyclist and cargo-bike evangelist. He and his family ditched their car in 2019 and replaced it with a cargo bike. Ben grew up in a cycling family and delights in passing his enthusiasm for cycling, sailing and the outdoors down to his two young daughters.

Steve Unwin

Membership Secretary/Trustee

Steve has been riding bikes for leisure, sport, commuting and urban transport since childhood and was an early adopter of an e-assist bike – of which he is a keen advocate. Steve helps to run Cyclability, a community interest company providing inclusive cycling facilities in Oxford.

Andy Chivers

Events Coordinator/Trustee

Andy was a GP in Jericho until retiring in 2016. He has been a committee member since 2009, puts together our monthly newsletter, organises our regular talks and helps Kathryn with stalls and Dr Bike sessions at local events.

Kate Arnold


Kate has been using a bicycle to travel around Oxford for 20 years. A Bikeability instructor sharing the love of cycling with children aged 9–11, Kate wants to help create a more welcoming cycling environment for those children as they grow up.
Kate has recently undertaken a bike mechanics course and is learning to unicycle (badly).
Kate is winner of the Bikeability Instructor of the Year award 2024.

Thurstan Bannister


Thurstan has extensive charity experience as Board Director of Bike New York and a member of the New York Advisory Council on Transportation Alternatives, which campaigns for safe streets. After studying PPE at Oxford, Thurstan worked in finance and business development.

Ian Callaghan


Originally from Manchester via Leeds, Bradford and Brixton with an interest and an MA in urban design, Ian is now a primary-school teacher. He became involved with advocacy in Brixton when he asked Lambeth Cyclists to help run a Dr Bike for his students. In Oxford he has helped to establish regular Kidical Mass rides to emphasise the need for safe streets for children and family members aged 8–80.

James Dawton


James has a long involvement with Cyclox. He focuses on consultations, kerbs, turning radii and other exciting details. Away from Cyclox, he repairs bicycles for a living. He coordinates the rides list for Oxford Cycling UK, and rides his bike most Sundays, as well as using a bike for utility cycling.

Alison Moore


Alison recently moved back to Oxford, partly because she wanted a different lifestyle with more active travel. She cycled a lot in her student years and beyond, but having a family led to a long lay off. She’s hoping to get back to longer trips and currently cycles to get around. Off the bike, she is a freelance healthcare journalist.

Beenish Robinson


Cycling enthusiast, mum, risk-management professional and a volunteer to our communities striving to make the world a better place.

Richard Scrase


Richard uses bikes to get around, often with his family. He also sometimes writes about cycling. He spent 40 years explaining science by making short videos, magazine writing and by teaching. He wants much better cycling infrastructure so that small children can cycle, wherever they live in Oxford.

Yuriria Silva


Originally from Mexico, Yuri has been cycling in Oxford since 2006. She is passionate about active travel and about the need to make it easier and safer for families and people with additional needs to cycle.
Yuri a cycling instructor at CyclAbility, teaching adults to ride and gain confidence, as well as delivering Bikeability training in schools.

Jane Buekett


Jane has cycled in Oxford since the 1980s, during which time potholes have remained a remarkably consistent hazard.

She has an editorial background and helps update the Cyclox website and blog.