
White woman with Manchester scene in background speaking to camera

Kate Arnold wins Bikeability Instructor of the Year

On 12 July Kate Arnold, Cyclox trustee, was announced as winner of the Bikeability Instructor of the Year award.

Young white woman in cycle helmet giving thumbs up

Going car free

By Hirra Khan Adeogun

Politicians in the UK have spent decades putting policies in place which make driving easier and cheaper. We have normalised mass private-car ownership and all the problems it creates, telling ourselves that this is the only way of doing things. But there is another way.

Cyclists on Donnington Bridge Oxford cycling in narrow two-way cycle path separated from road by concrete kerb blocks

Let’s give cyclists some road space

By Danny Yee

Large numbers of people cycle in Oxford despite poor-quality infrastructure that is sometimes dangerous. Read on for examples from the city.

Active-looking white woman with bike standing on paved cycle path through rural landscape with blue sky in background

“Potholes and Pavements”: why we need a better cycle network

By Laura Laker and Emily Kerr

Green City Councillor Emily Kerr interviews Laura Laker, Sunday Times and Guardian journalist, about her new book on Britain’s National Cycle Network

White woman seated on stationary e-bike leans forward to look into camera. On the front of her bike is a black wire basket decorated with artificial flowers and containing a fluffy white cat wearing a harness.

Cycling with pets

By Emily Kerr

I heard from a resident recently who was keen to get back on her bike and wanted to take her elderly dog with her. But when she started looking at the options, she felt overwhelmed by the choices available. Could I help?

Large blue car parked at side of residential street in front of terraced houses. The car's wheels are some way over the white line for the parking bay and into the road

Why weight-based parking charges make sense

By Danny Yee

Outside my front door is a stretch of on-street parking which can, if everyone parks carefully, just fit four small cars. But even one large car reduces its capacity to three.

Hythe Bridge Street in Oxford with queue of cars heading west nose to tail. Pedestrians in large numbers on the pavements

‘Doing something’ about Oxford’s transport

By Zuhura Plummer

When it comes to Oxford’s traffic, everyone agrees there is a problem. I have yet to meet someone who loves sitting on a stationary A34, or enjoys their car filling with fumes from the car in front while crawling along at 5 mph. What should be done about this problem?

Screen shot of Google street view showing dual carriageway with one car and a red traffic cone

What can we learn from David Brain’s death?

By Ian Loader

At 18.40 on 24 February David Brain, 54, was killed by a collision with a car while cycling on Frieze Way in Kidlington. He was riding towards the A44 roundabout when he was struck by a silver VW Golf. He died at the scene as a result of his injuries. This was another preventable death on Oxfordshire’s roads, a further grim indicator of our county’s road safety crisis.

Young woman in midwife uniform and cycle helmet riding bike on a wooded path. She is shrieking with enjoyment, both feet lifted high off the pedals

Oxford employers embrace bikes

By Anna Railton

Three very different organisations have started trialling ebikes to help their employees travel around the city in a more efficient, greener and cheaper way.

Cars driving through flood water in Feryy Hinksey Road Oxford

Get on your bike to stop flooding

By Lucy Giuliano and Jane Buekett

Ten years ago, in January 2014, Oxford experienced terrible flooding. Abingdon and Botley Roads were closed to traffic and hundreds of properties were inundated. This past week, on the exact anniversary of that disaster, the city has again been hit by serious flooding.