Month: January 2021

Could cycling replace most car trips in Oxford by 2030?

By Andy Chivers

Since becoming a charity in July last year, Cyclox has developed a vision for Oxford in 2030: a world class cycling city, where everyone can choose to cycle, and where cycling is seen as a normal form of transport.

The case for long-distance greenways

By Brian Robertson

“We have nothing like this in Oxford”. A young PhD student from Oxford was admiring the excellent cycle track facilities at York University where we had just completed a day of racing. But what if – instead of going around in circles – cycle tracks were built that connected our towns and cities?

A Happy Cycling New Year

By Alison Hill

There is much that we won’t want to remember about 2020. But for Cyclox, wanting to see so many more people of all ages and backgrounds choose to cycle, there were some reasons to celebrate in these otherwise bleak times.