Category: Uncategorised

The potential of e-bikes

By Kevin Hickman, Director, Windrush Bike Project

We were surprised to discover that e-bikes have more potential to cut carbon in rural and suburban areas than in towns and cities. Research by the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds found that because public transport is less likely to be an option in rural areas, people can have a transport carbon footprint several times higher than when living in a city.

Cycles of time

By Rob Ainlsey

Writer Rob Ainsley returned with his bike to Oxford for the first time in 35 years. It’s changed since then. So’s everything…

Changing travel habits

By Andy Chivers

I met up with a friend who lives in south Devon. He drives 8 miles each way to work and is leaving earlier and earlier because of traffic congestion and difficulty finding a parking place. To a pedal head like me the answer seemed obvious, but when we talked about e-bikes he said, ‘Isn’t that cheating?’