Month: July 2023

Back on my bike

By Jane Buekett

In the early spring I had an unfortunate encounter with the stone tiles of my kitchen floor and found myself with a broken arm. ‘No driving for at least 6 weeks, no cycling for 12’, the minor injuries medic said, as he wrapped my arm in warm wet plaster and cheerfully pointed out the ‘many challenges’ I would now face.

The right to drive?

By Ian Loader

For over 60 years, cities have been dominated by the car. Oxfordshire County Council’s proposals to reduce traffic in our city – using LTNs, congestion-charging and traffic filters – have been portrayed as an attack on cherished liberties. Critics claim they will ‘trap’ residents in their neighbourhoods and curtail people’s right to drive where they see fit.

‘Cycle County Active County’ comes to Oxford

By Robin Tucker and Alison Hill

Six hundred people gathered in Oxford on 5 and 6 July for the UK’s biggest annual conference on enabling healthy and active travel. It’s called Cycle County Active County 2023, but it covers much more than cycling, and looks at cities as well as counties.

Getting back on my bike

By Kay Jass

I learned how to cycle in my youth, rode for fun and then upgraded to motorised transport, as you do. My bicycle gathered dust for years until I reached a point where the number of hours spent in the car and in traffic was excessive. I decided that getting ‘on my bike’ would be a far more pleasant and speedy way to travel for shorter solo journeys.