Category: Infrastructure

Oxford Online Cycle Map

A brand new cycle map of Oxford has been launched, showing low-traffic routes in the city. It shows routes that are car-free, protected, and walking-only, as well as road crossings.

What is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

Will the proposed traffic filters be good for cyclists?

By Alison Hill and Robin Tucker

Traffic blights our beautiful city of Oxford. And it’s getting worse, with traffic rising year by year (only interrupted by Covid). Doing nothing is not an option, that just means more traffic, more congestion, more pollution, and more climate and health problems for future generations.

Respond to key Oxford transport consultations

Amplify our collective voice and respond to the Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan and the proposal to implement six trial traffic filters on key routes across Oxford

These public consultations will close on Thursday 13th October.

New local Travel Plan heralds radical change

Our statement on the Oxfordshire Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan

The Plan envisions Oxford as a city where transport is no longer dominated by the use of private cars, but a city where people can choose to travel conveniently by public transport and feel safe to cycle and walk. This will create a better, more liveable city, while simultaneously addressing the climate emergency and improving the health of Oxford’s residents and visitors. 

Cycling along Oxford’s Quickways

By Alison Hill

On Friday 12 August Morrell Avenue became a Quickway. Overnight, double yellow lines were painted on both sides of the road, removing on-road car parking, and a cycle lane has been painted on the uphill side of the road. Whereas in the past you had to weave your way round parked cars and take care to avoid colliding with vehicles sharing the narrow carriageway, it has instantly become much more pleasant to ride up and down this road.

Cycling is at the heart of Oxford’s future

By Alison Hill

An open letter from the Chair of Cyclox to the new city councillors elected on Thursday 5 May 2022

Cowley LTNs are doing their job

By Alison Hill

Temple Cowley, Church Cowley and Florence Park Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), were implemented in spring 2021. They cover most of Cowley. The aim of the scheme is to design streets to make it safer, easier and more pleasant to walk, cycle or (post-Covid) to take the bus for short local trips.

Oxford: The first Zero Emission City

By Robin Tucker

Away from the war in Ukraine, climate change disasters continue to escalate, with climate-accelerated storms, wildfires, famine and disease killing 150,000 people a year (WHO). Transport is the largest contributor in the UK, and the UK is committed to decarbonising the transport system by 2050.

Oxford’s new Zero Emission Zones

By Alison Hill

Next Monday, several streets in the centre of Oxford will become Zero Emission Zones. These include Bonn Square, Cornmarket Street, Queen Street, St Michael’s Street, Ship Street, New Inn Hall St, and a section of Market Street.