The future for cycling after the Pandemic
By Roger Symonds
As we gradually emerge from this latest lockdown, we are seeing Oxford’s roads getting much busier. But they are busy not only with motor traffic, but also with people on bikes.
By Roger Symonds
As we gradually emerge from this latest lockdown, we are seeing Oxford’s roads getting much busier. But they are busy not only with motor traffic, but also with people on bikes.
By Kathryn McNicoll
I met Iona on a bright May morning in a park in Barton. Iona is the Community Health Development Officer for Oxford City Council in Barton, a part of Oxford in which she lives and works and one she obviously feels passionate about.
By Alison Hill, Chair of Cyclox, Brenda Boardman and Simon Pratt Co-Chairs of CoHSAT
Dear County Councillor,
Congratulations on your election to Oxfordshire County Council. The Coalition of Healthy Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT) is a group of voluntary and campaigning organisations working across Oxfordshire to create attractive, accessible and people-friendly streets. We want to see a future where everyone is able to walk and cycle for everyday trips on quiet streets and in liveable neighbourhoods, and where no-one has to own a car because there is always an alternative form of transport.
By Alison Hill
At Oxfordshire County Council’s Transport Decisions meeting on the 29th April, Councillor Yvonne Constance ruled that the barriers at the south end of Walton should be removed when the traffic regulation order times out on the 18th May, and that there should be no alternative scheme in place to restrict traffic along Walton Street and Kingston Road. After 18 months of promises of a better Jericho, her recommendation was to do nothing.