Cycling map of Oxfordshire
By Emily Kerr and Robin Tucker
After we created our cycling map for Oxford we realised people across the county were interested in the safest routes for cycling.
By Emily Kerr and Robin Tucker
After we created our cycling map for Oxford we realised people across the county were interested in the safest routes for cycling.
By Anna Fairhurst
Half our staff live outside Oxford, so we’ve always had staff parking. Around 22 cars were parked in the same playground that the children used at breaktime. This was a problem, but one it seemed impossible to fix. Pupils complained about not having enough space to play and there was constant concern about cars being damaged.
On 12 July Kate Arnold, Cyclox trustee, was announced as winner of the Bikeability Instructor of the Year award.
By Danny Yee
Large numbers of people cycle in Oxford despite poor-quality infrastructure that is sometimes dangerous. Read on for examples from the city.
By Laura Laker and Emily Kerr
Green City Councillor Emily Kerr interviews Laura Laker, Sunday Times and Guardian journalist, about her new book on Britain’s National Cycle Network
By Emily Kerr
I heard from a resident recently who was keen to get back on her bike and wanted to take her elderly dog with her. But when she started looking at the options, she felt overwhelmed by the choices available. Could I help?
By Danny Yee
Outside my front door is a stretch of on-street parking which can, if everyone parks carefully, just fit four small cars. But even one large car reduces its capacity to three.
By Zuhura Plummer
When it comes to Oxford’s traffic, everyone agrees there is a problem. I have yet to meet someone who loves sitting on a stationary A34, or enjoys their car filling with fumes from the car in front while crawling along at 5 mph. What should be done about this problem?
By Ian Loader
At 18.40 on 24 February David Brain, 54, was killed by a collision with a car while cycling on Frieze Way in Kidlington. He was riding towards the A44 roundabout when he was struck by a silver VW Golf. He died at the scene as a result of his injuries. This was another preventable death on Oxfordshire’s roads, a further grim indicator of our county’s road safety crisis.
By Anna Railton
Three very different organisations have started trialling ebikes to help their employees travel around the city in a more efficient, greener and cheaper way.