Tag: traffic filters

Whose freedom are we talking about?

By Robin Tucker

Let’s talk about freedom. On 18 February, around 2,000 people descended on Oxford to protest for freedom and against traffic filters. What concerns us here is their view of ‘freedom’.

Show your support for the Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan

By Alison Hill

On 29 November the Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet is meeting to make decisions on two radical traffic proposals: the Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan and, as a core component of that plan, the traffic filters that aim to reduce the number of car journeys across the city. These plans have caused a lot of contention and the council chamber will no doubt be full to bursting with people wanting to put their views across. The plan, if implemented, will result in a huge shakeup in the way all of us will travel into, within and around Oxford.

Will the proposed traffic filters be good for cyclists?

By Alison Hill and Robin Tucker

Traffic blights our beautiful city of Oxford. And it’s getting worse, with traffic rising year by year (only interrupted by Covid). Doing nothing is not an option, that just means more traffic, more congestion, more pollution, and more climate and health problems for future generations.