Tag: Vision Zero

Large blue car parked at side of residential street in front of terraced houses. The car's wheels are some way over the white line for the parking bay and into the road

Why weight-based parking charges make sense

By Danny Yee

Outside my front door is a stretch of on-street parking which can, if everyone parks carefully, just fit four small cars. But even one large car reduces its capacity to three.

Screen shot of Google street view showing dual carriageway with one car and a red traffic cone

What can we learn from David Brain’s death?

By Ian Loader

At 18.40 on 24 February David Brain, 54, was killed by a collision with a car while cycling on Frieze Way in Kidlington. He was riding towards the A44 roundabout when he was struck by a silver VW Golf. He died at the scene as a result of his injuries. This was another preventable death on Oxfordshire’s roads, a further grim indicator of our county’s road safety crisis.

Path of loose broken stone viewed at ground level

An accessible city?

By Sushila Dhall

Pedestrians are supposed to be at the top of the hierarchy in road-use planning. But is this really the case? What is it like to be an urban pedestrian with mobility support needs?

Supporting safe streets for all

By Lucy Giuliano

Since I started as Cyclox Campaigns Director 5 months ago I’ve seen news reports of a local road collision on most days. We want everyone to feel safe on our streets. To achieve this, we need your support. Read on to find out more.    

Pedestrians crowded on pavement and trying to cross road at corner of Worcester Road, Oxford

A view from the pavement

By Sushila Dhall

Pedestrians are supposed to be at the top of the hierarchy in road-use planning, but is this always the case? Veteran campaigner Sushila Dhall shines a light on some of the issues faced by walkers and wheelchair users.

20 mph: popular and life-saving

By Alison Hill

Following the narrow Conservative victory in the Uxbridge by-election, attributed to the public’s concern about ULEZ, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he is considering banning councils from imposing 20 mph. This would be a way of demonstrating that he is on the side of motorists.

Pothole hazards

By Alison Hill

On 30 April the Oxford Mail reported that there had been 135 personal injury claims submitted to Oxfordshire County Council over the last year. One of the leading causes was potholes.

Cyclox is 20 years old

By Andy Chivers

In September 2003 a small group of cycle campaigners held the first meeting of Cyclox. The group had its origins in Oxford Friends of the Earth. The first campaign was for the 20mph speed limit on residential roads.

Vision Zero for wildlife?

By Natasha Matsaert

Thanks to Cyclox’s campaigning, Oxfordshire County Council has adopted a Vision Zero strategy which aims to eliminate all road deaths and serious injuries. But one category of vulnerable road user is absent from these discussions. Where is the mention of the wildlife that shares our streets?

End road deaths: learning from Helsinki

By Jamie Clarke

More than 100 people from across Oxfordshire gathered on the evening of Tuesday 25 January to kick start a campaign to put an end to cyclist deaths on our roads. This follows the tragic deaths of four young women cycling in Oxford over the past 2 years. Cyclox organised the event to initiate an ambitious plan to eliminate road deaths.