Tag: LTNs

Cyclists and walkers in road with parked cars but no traffic

LTNs keep our children safe

By Jemima Hunt

East Oxford’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) were introduced in May 2022. For months the UK media seized upon stories of the plastic bollards proving a target for vandals and thieves. Coverage included a Panorama documentary, “Road Wars”, and an article in the The Times, “Low Traffic, Big Bust-Ups”. The plastic bollards were finally replaced with lockable wooden posts in March 2023.

Road with a wooden bollard preventing cars driving through

East Oxford LTNs approved

By Robin Tucker and Alison Hill

On 17 October, the first meeting of Oxfordshire County Council’s newly formed Liberal Democrat and Green Cabinet was faced with one of the most difficult and controversial decisions it will have to make. This was the decision to make the East Oxford Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) permanent.

Small electronic device stuck to window with hand pressing button

Citizens measuring the traffic

By Emily Kerr

I’ve spent a lot of the last 18 months looking at traffic research and information, as my ward of St Mary’s launched low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) in May last year. One of my frustrations has been the lack of easy-to-understand traffic data for Oxford. That is all set to change now, with the launch of Telraams.

Whose freedom are we talking about?

By Robin Tucker

Let’s talk about freedom. On 18 February, around 2,000 people descended on Oxford to protest for freedom and against traffic filters. What concerns us here is their view of ‘freedom’.

End road deaths: learning from Helsinki

By Jamie Clarke

More than 100 people from across Oxfordshire gathered on the evening of Tuesday 25 January to kick start a campaign to put an end to cyclist deaths on our roads. This follows the tragic deaths of four young women cycling in Oxford over the past 2 years. Cyclox organised the event to initiate an ambitious plan to eliminate road deaths.

Cycling along Oxford’s Quickways

By Alison Hill

On Friday 12 August Morrell Avenue became a Quickway. Overnight, double yellow lines were painted on both sides of the road, removing on-road car parking, and a cycle lane has been painted on the uphill side of the road. Whereas in the past you had to weave your way round parked cars and take care to avoid colliding with vehicles sharing the narrow carriageway, it has instantly become much more pleasant to ride up and down this road.

Cowley LTNs are doing their job

By Alison Hill

Temple Cowley, Church Cowley and Florence Park Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), were implemented in spring 2021. They cover most of Cowley. The aim of the scheme is to design streets to make it safer, easier and more pleasant to walk, cycle or (post-Covid) to take the bus for short local trips.

How the Walton Street barrier got me out of my car and onto my bike

By Kate Seal

When I moved to Oxford a few years ago, I became obsessed about where to park my car. Previously I had lived in a rural area where every journey I made was by car. I was shocked to discover that I had to pay for a parking permit and even more shocked to discover how difficult it was to find a parking space near to my house.

Walton Street’s Barrier

By Alison Hill

At Oxfordshire County Council’s Transport Decisions meeting on the 29th April, Councillor Yvonne Constance ruled that the barriers at the south end of Walton should be removed when the traffic regulation order times out on the 18th May, and that there should be no alternative scheme in place to restrict traffic along Walton Street and Kingston Road. After 18 months of promises of a better Jericho, her recommendation was to do nothing.

“I absolutely love the new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods”

By Andy Chivers

Eleanor Vogel is a GP in Kidlington. She rides to work every day from Cowley – an impressive 30km round trip – which involves cycling along Church Cowley Road and Rymers Lane.