Tag: Safety

Pothole hazards

By Alison Hill

On 30 April the Oxford Mail reported that there had been 135 personal injury claims submitted to Oxfordshire County Council over the last year. One of the leading causes was potholes.

Save lives in Oxford with 20 mph

By Alison Hill

20 mph saves lives. The likelihood of severe or fatal injury to a pedestrian struck by a driver is 17% at 20 mph, 30% at 25 mph and 47% at 30 mph. There are 7–10 times fewer fatalities if a collision occurs at 20 mph compared to 30 mph. Inevitably, people make errors of judgement on roads, but those errors are less serious at slower speeds.

Championing active travel

By Cllr Dan Levy

Why do we need an active travel champion? What do I do as champion? What are my ambitions are in this role? Although the champion role has no formal powers, I hope I can influence my fellow councillors, the Cabinet, and County Council officers to help people who want to get on their bikes.

Safer streets for active women and girls

By Matt Roebuck

Next weekend, on 11 June, one of the world’s most prestigious cycling events, The Women’s Tour, comes to Oxfordshire. According to its organisers, it brings with it a safety “bubble with…world class riders at the centre”.