Your cycling rights and responsibilities
This behavioural campaign was launched by Cyclox in November 2016 in partnership with: Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford University Students Union, and Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue and Thames Valley Police. We are grateful to the University of Oxford’s Sustainable Transport team for continued support of the printing costs.
The campaign encourages all road users to be more considerate of each other.

You can download copies of the double-sided hanger, in addition to a longer A4 version aimed at all vehicle users.
Oxford takes the second place (behind Cambridge) in the UK’s top cycling cities with 17% of journeys to work taken by bike. However, many people are reluctant to cycle for short journeys: they simply feel that it isn’t safe enough. While we campaign (and wait) for better infrastructure, including safer segregated cycle paths, we can’t deny that most cycle journeys continue to be made roads, sharing space with motorised vehicles and their drivers.
Some vehicle drivers are under the impression that cyclists should not be on the road, or that motor vehicles have a greater right to be there. People are also angered by the minority of cyclists that ride through red lights, don’t use bike lights at night, or cycle on pavements that are not designated shared paths.
As we all navigate Oxford’s very congested streets during rush hour and experience these frustrations, we feel there is an opportunity for everyone to be more considerate of each other. This initiative is designed to remind cyclists of their right to be on the road, as well as their responsibilities.
“Similar campaigns to promote mutual good behaviour by all road users have worked successfully in other cities. The Highway Code is the basis for harmony, and must be respected and obeyed.”
Simon Hunt, Cyclox Chair 2013-18
Cyclox continues to distribute double-sided hangers, which are included in our membership packs and handed out at our stalls and events around the city, as well as being stocked in local bike shops. We supply the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes with hangers to hand out to new students.
4 Responses
[…] heavier vehicles to anticipate situations which put less protected people are at risk (see our Rights and Responsibilities leaflet). In many European countries ‘presumed liability’ recognises this responsibility in […]
[…] if you are stuck in slow moving traffic being sedentary and anxious, and the concept that all users of the roads, whether cyclists or drivers should be considerate towards each other. Both have an equal right to use the roads and there are no extra rights conferred to people […]
[…] they pose to others. It is important to emphasise the absolute need for all road users to behave responsibly and with due consideration for each […]
Cyclists and the riders of these new motorised scooters don’t seem to realise that it is illegal to use footpaths that are not designated as shared spaces and they put pedestrians at risk, particularly elderly, blind, and disabled people, but there is no public education about this and the law is rarely enforced. How many people must be injured and killed before something is done about this? What can your organisation do?